Healing Trauma

Gratitude Journals + Manifestation Books: My Moleskine Obsession

moleskine journals | Dianna Bonny Photography

Today, I thought I would share this slice of the chaotic way I try to organize my creative self. I have an embarrassing love affair going on with Moleskine journals. It has gotten out of hand. But, honestly, I can’t help myself. Every time I see a new style, I try to figure out a way to bring it into…

Mindfulness Exercises: Breaking the Spell of Unconsciousness

There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t find myself drifting off into the no man’s land of mindlessness. Almost without noticing, I can go from being engaged in an activity, say writing, and then off I go into the land of a million useless and scary thoughts. It is truly astonishing how often it happens. An erratic,…

Nutritious Treasures: Sweet Potato Recipe

sweet potatoes | Dianna Bonny Photography

It is Fall which is my absolute favorite time of year. This is a repost because it is the perfect time to get into the swing of the holidays with some sweet potato goodness. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. Here is a quick and easy way to add some good nutrition into your diet. Although…

Suicide Support: A Letter to Healing Souls

Bob Dylan quote photo | Dianna Bonny Photography

Dear Gorgeous Healing Soul: You possess extraordinary innate healing capacities. I know this to be true because I have discovered it for myself during my zig-zag journey through loss over the last four years, as I shifted from a wounded being, curled up in a ball, to a human standing on her own, breathing deeply and welcoming the uncertainty that…

The Importance of Wayfinding After Losing a Loved One

Pema Chodron quote photo | Dianna Bonny Photography

I have mentioned I am working on a book and as I get deeper into the process of editing and writing, and more writing then editing, I continue to be intrigued by how much one can learn about themselves when putting pen to paper. I still have many pages to journey through before arriving at the threshold of a published book,…

New Beginnings for Living on the Fault Lines

Libba Bray quote photo | by Dianna Bonny

There is a lot of excitement and change going on here at LOFL. This journey, which began four years ago with a giant slice of devastation, continues to evolve and change in ways I never could have imagined. I am incredibly grateful to my readers and I genuinely appreciate your support and encouragement. This week I had an article published…

Feeling Your Feelings: Read ‘Ensouling Language’ by Stephen Buhner

Ensouling Language book

One of the most worthwhile things I have re-discovered these past few years is to allow, trust and honor feelings and emotions. In my other life, I felt things, but I would push those feelings as far away as possible. I did not live an inhabited life before everything fell apart, I lived at the edge, peering in. For me, “feeling”…

Green Healing Goodness: Matcha Tea Benefits

matcha tea powder

Caffeine and adrenaline don’t play very well together, at least not in my body. I discovered this in the throes of adjusting to my new life as a widow and single parent, as I attempted to drag some of my old habits right along with me. The caffeinated jolt from my morning coffee, the one I love to drink as…

On Falling Down, Getting Back Up and Being Enough

pink flower

“There comes a time in life when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it. Surround yourself with people who make you laugh, forget the bad, and focus on the good. Love the people who treat you right. Pray for the ones who don’t. Life is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is part of life,…