My Gutted Interview With Allie Stark: Reclaiming Intuition September 27, 2017 • 1 Comment My intuition has become my trusted life compass. Where I once lived in dread and suspicion of those inner messages, I now live to hear them. I am fortunate in that I often encounter human beings who actively curate their intuition. It reminds me that this is a superpower we all contain. I adore these people and every time I…
Healing Habits: Restoring Authentic Self Expression December 24, 2014 • 0 Comments If you have ever watched children at play, before the cookie-cutter world has tampered with their inherent wisdom by imprinting rules and proper behavior, it is obvious that they are emotive-expression machines. Expression — through love, play and creativity — comes naturally and flows through them like a vibrant river. Social structure builds dams in this flow by saying: That behavior is not…
The Fine Art of Self-Sabotage December 1, 2014 • 0 Comments These past few weeks have been illuminating in a number of ways. As I wind down the edit phase of the book, my mind has begun flashing upon the possibilities in the future. Revisiting the events of 2010 has been no small feat, and kicked up a substantial amount of dust, but I now feel ready to let the…
Forgiving Yourself Is the New Black November 24, 2014 • 4 Comments Forgiveness is the new black, or at least it seems to be on everyone’s lips these days. It is something I think upon because people often ask if I have forgiven my husband. Every now and again, I notice a judgmental edge to the tone in the question, as though I’m not worthy if I haven’t reached the supreme state…
How to Make Eye Contact and Create Connection November 14, 2014 • 0 Comments Tragedy offers a front row seat to human nature and one thing I started noticing in the early aftermath was how we avoid eye contact. What is it about allowing others to peer through the “windows to our soul” that is so difficult?