Coping with Loss: A Reinterpretation of Father’s Day June 22, 2015 • 0 Comments As far as holidays go, Father’s Day presents a certain kind of challenge. Living in this culture of mass marketed and manufactured “celebration” days, it is somewhat hard to escape. Don’t get me wrong — I adore holidays and the way they create a space for expressing sentiments that should really be expressed on a daily basis. I just don’t…
Thoughts on Graduation and Regrets of the Dying June 15, 2015 • 1 Comment This is a reprise, in honor of the graduation season. Hard to believe it was two years ago that my son graduated high school, and four years ago for my daughter. My how time flies when we aren’t looking. This past Friday, my son graduated from high school, which is a milestone in and of itself, but under the circumstances,…
Forbidden Curiosity: How We Lose Our Voice March 2, 2015 • 2 Comments My meditations have been taking me back to childhood lately. I’ve never really been one of those folks with vivid, in tact memories of my childhood. They are scattered and patchy, at best. I’m not sure if there is an underlying motive behind my not remembering, or if my mind is just wired that way. The other day, I did…
What Can We Mindfully Learn From The Suicide Epidemic December 29, 2014 • 0 Comments I know it’s the holidays, not the best time for this topic, but this past week I learned about the recent suicide of a high school senior here in San Diego, a young man voted home coming king at his school, and thought to be happy. I also met a prominent Hollywood figure who knew of four recent suicides in…
Presence Is A Rare Commodity December 15, 2014 • 0 Comments The other night, I spent an hour chatting on Facetime with my son who is at college in Santa Cruz. My other son and I were curled up in bed, laughing and talking in front of the computer, and it almost felt like we were all together in one room, which made me smile, and reminded me of days when they were younger, long before they encountered tragedy.Read more
Practical Matters, Mortality and Discussing Death November 7, 2014 • 0 Comments I was asked in two interesting questions in an interview the other day that I have been contemplating for a quite some time: Why aren’t people talking about suicide, and what is it I hope to accomplish with my work? There are so many reasons why we don’t talk about it but, death in general, makes most people uncomfortable and…
Life Transitions and the Beauty of Sharing Wisdom September 12, 2014 • 0 Comments This Fall seems to be full of transitions, and I am trying to keep up with it all, but honestly, always feel like I am falling behind. No pun intended. I keep thinking things will begin to simplify and slow down, but the pace just seems to get faster. Since this is my favorite time of year, however, I am…
The Secret Life of Secrets: When to Tell a Secret? September 5, 2014 • 2 Comments “Lying, by omission or commission, is a bad idea. I cannot shake my dependency on the white lie, because I was brought up to be nice. And I’ve never figured out the nice way to say, ‘I’d rather stick a fork in my eye than come to your house for dinner.’ But the meaningful lie, the kind that involves being…
Unearth Your Inner Compass and Find Your Passion August 20, 2014 • 3 Comments I first posted this over a year ago and when I re-read it I thought a reprise would be appropriate because my daughter has a job at a cool salon and this past week moved into a house. I couldn’t be more proud of her. When our lives intersected with the events in 2010, all the plans we had been…
Discovering Your Truth and Healing After an Affair August 15, 2014 • 0 Comments In my other life, I knew a woman who was involved in a long-term affair. This went on for years, and she spoke about it — and her vision of their future together — often and openly, as though it was the most normal thing in the world. I was always surprised by her confident tone of inevitability. At first,…