The Benefits of Juicing and the Economics of Health

It is difficult to argue with the benefits of juicing, although I have read articles that suggest it is wiser to put everything into a Vita-Mix and get the fiber as well. I’m not sure that’s a truly practical solution. Plus, I am pretty sure I can feel all the juicer-oxygenated nutrients entering my bloodstream when I drink a glass of gorgeous fresh juice, brimming with vitamins and minerals.

juicing ingredients

What I can argue is that juicing is inherently flawed in two ways. First, it’s kind of a pain in the a**. Does anyone else think this? Even though I consider myself to be somewhat nutritionally savvy, juicing challenges me. Buying the ingredients, washing them, storing them, and then getting all the vegetables out of the refrigerator to make the juice, preparing and chopping them.

Then there is the actual juicing of the produce, because juicing can go very wrong, especially with kale in the mix. In my mind, finding the right balance of flavors has reached wine sommelier status. And, if you’re me, and thank goodness you’re not, you are also trying to maximize the session of juicer usage because if you are going to haul out all equipment, you might as well make the most of it. It’s times like these when I look at the cookbook by Gwyneth Paltrow and envy her and her personal chef. I’m not really prone to envy, even after everything I have been through, but Gwyneth evokes a bit of envy.

But, she has some darn good juice recipes on page 212.

Gwyneth Paltrow cookbook

Let’s be honest. A cup of coffee may not be healthy, but it is a heck of a lot easier.

Which brings me to juicing’s second flaw. Let’s say you have an off day, and the idea of lugging the juicer and the vegetables out is just too much. Not to mention the clean up. So off you go to the local juice store, but sticker shock sends you back home. Because really, when did $8 for a glass of juice ever make sense? I mean, it makes sense if you can afford it, and if you can, you should belly up to the juice bar.

But for the rest of us, it is back home to the juicer and its purportedly simple (but truly laborious) components that have to be put together, disassembled and then washed. I’m really not this much of a whiner in real life.

When my daughter managed a Starbucks, she told me about a man who came in daily for a Venti Frappe-Whipped-Mocha something or other, at a cost of $4.75. He did this three or four times a day. Apparently, he’s a man who can afford the juice habit in a big way, but he chooses the coffee way. Go Starbucks. I have to admit I feel guilty buying kombucha, which usually costs $3.59, but the other day I found them at Vons for $2.99. Go me.

Back to juice. Do it. It feels good and it’s good for you. I believe it is a worthy addition to the healing hive.

Be your own mighty force of healing so you can feel better. The world needs your light and your truth.


Who is Dianna Bonny?

Hi, my name is Dianna Bonny. It’s my mission to candidly share my journey with you. For me, it’s all about the healing: to create a radiant healing energy for others who have befallen a similar fate. Together, we can forge beautiful lives of belonging and connection. Thanks for joining me today! I look forward to hearing from you.

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