Tag Archive for healing after infidelity

Forgiving Yourself Is the New Black

Lewis Smedes quote photo

Forgiveness is the new black, or at least it seems to be on everyone’s lips these days. It is something I think upon because people often ask if I have forgiven my husband. Every now and again, I notice a judgmental edge to the tone in the question, as though I’m not worthy if I haven’t reached the supreme state…

Tools for Healing Physical and Emotional Illness

My son has been wandering around the house fighting a cold for the past week or so, and despite my best efforts to avoid the cloud of pathogens, which included ingesting copious amounts of oregano oil, my body succumbed to the alien invasion of cold+flu germs. I hate being sick, but as I lay here flat on my back, I…

Discovering Your Truth and Healing After an Affair

reality quote |Dianna Bonny Photography

In my other life, I knew a woman who was involved in a long-term affair. This went on for years, and she spoke about it — and her vision of their future together — often and openly, as though it was the most normal thing in the world. I was always surprised by her confident tone of inevitability. At first,…

Dismantling the Construct of Shame

shame, Brene Brown | Dianna Bonny Photography

One of the most humiliating moments of my young life happened on the morning bus ride as we pulled into the parking lot of intermediate school. I  was awkwardly sporting a brand new training bra and vacillating between being extremely proud, though I’ve no idea why since I had no breasts to speak of, and utterly terrified that someone might…

The Immeasurability of the Healing Process

Dianna Bonny Lotus Icon

We are a nation of measurers aren’t we? Everywhere you look there is someone with a yardstick stretched out over our lives to make sure we are keeping up: school GPAs, test scores, top 100 lists, body mass index, IQs and happy lifestyle percentiles, and even a stress scale to keep track of…stress. Just for kicks, I added up my…

After an Affair: Healing After Betrayal

Lotus Logo

Over the last three and a half years I have tentatively tiptoed my way across the landscape of betrayal, and to be honest, the mental gymnastics require nothing less than raw courage. On days when I am feeling utterly naked and vulnerable, I attribute it to my husband being a selfish philanderer, but truthfully, just a few steps beyond that,…

Duality: Holding Opposite Emotions Within You

good vs bad | Dianna Bonny Photography

“If we never experience the chill of a dark winter, it is very unlikely that we will ever cherish the warmth of a bright summer’s day. Nothing stimulates our appetite for the simple joys of life more than the starvation caused by sadness or desperation. In order to complete our amazing life journey successfully, it is vital that we turn…

The Healing Process: It’s a Marathon

healing marathon | Dianna Bonny Photography

“If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.” Thomas A. Edison Fifteen years ago I ran a marathon with the Leukemia Society’s Team in Training program. The spark for this adventure began when a friend of mine was in training for a marathon and I made the comment that there was no…