Relieve Holiday Stress: Whole Body Breathing December 19, 2014 • 0 Comments I remember standing in the living room of our new home four years ago, two weeks before Christmas, feeling totally overwhelmed by the idea of tree and decorations. The move had taken everything out of me but, desperate for a sense of normalcy for my kids, I wrestled my holiday mojo out of thin air and brought the holiday to…
Suicide Support: A Letter to Healing Souls October 27, 2014 • 0 Comments Dear Gorgeous Healing Soul: You possess extraordinary innate healing capacities. I know this to be true because I have discovered it for myself during my zig-zag journey through loss over the last four years, as I shifted from a wounded being, curled up in a ball, to a human standing on her own, breathing deeply and welcoming the uncertainty that…
New Beginnings for Living on the Fault Lines October 10, 2014 • 0 Comments There is a lot of excitement and change going on here at LOFL. This journey, which began four years ago with a giant slice of devastation, continues to evolve and change in ways I never could have imagined. I am incredibly grateful to my readers and I genuinely appreciate your support and encouragement. This week I had an article published…
3 Essential Tools for Healing: Writing, Meditation and Conversation October 3, 2014 • 2 Comments I was recently asked about the things that were most helpful to my healing process so far. I thought I would share my top three choices, in no particular order: Writing, meditation and actively learning to engage in honest, and often difficult, conversations. Breath Work and tapping would also be on the list. Writing has been essential to my entire…
Neuroplasticity: A Secret Super Power for Healing June 2, 2014 • 0 Comments I have a collection of indoor + outdoor plants that have traveled along with me from house to house during my last three moves. I am attached to them in an odd way that I haven’t yet been able to define. Perhaps because I had to let go of so much, I needed something to anchor me to a part…
How to Heal: 5 Tips for Fierce Healing May 9, 2014 • 0 Comments Loss is a part of life, maybe more so now than ever. Here are some thoughts and tools to champion your healing possibilities and create space to connect with your innate goodness. I’m a big believer that just beyond the pain of your wounds is beautiful energy that awaits your discovery. Unearthing it, and honoring the wisdom that lives there,…
The Immeasurability of the Healing Process April 28, 2014 • 0 Comments We are a nation of measurers aren’t we? Everywhere you look there is someone with a yardstick stretched out over our lives to make sure we are keeping up: school GPAs, test scores, top 100 lists, body mass index, IQs and happy lifestyle percentiles, and even a stress scale to keep track of…stress. Just for kicks, I added up my…
A Healing State of Mind & Asking for Help April 21, 2014 • 0 Comments I am wondering how you create a healing state of mind, because it’s something I have had to learn and now think of as a practice — something one has to actively cultivate for their betterment. It doesn’t just “happen,” rather we invite it into our lives daily through a series of decisions and actions that propel us forward on…
Choose Self-Devotion and Create a Healing Movement March 24, 2014 • 0 Comments After four years of walking in the deeps woods of loss, I have come to think of it as the true equalizer in life. No one is spared and there are no detours. For many, it becomes a blueprint for suffering, and for others, the divine coordinates for a larger life. It took me a while, but I do cherish…
Emotional Wounds: The Secret to Your Why March 3, 2014 • 2 Comments It is no secret that my kids are the inspiration behind what I do. They are my why. It has been this way since becoming a mother, but when our lives changed that fateful day in 2010, my why shifted to another kind of why, much bigger, and more definitive. This deeply passionate and devoted why was ignited by a man…