Healing Yoga and ‘The Promise’ by Mark Whitwell

yoga mat

Yoga has been an integral part of my healing, and I’ve found tremendous solace on a mat, in the middle of a room of sweaty people. I prefer heated yoga because I feel like I have wrung myself out. It’s not for everyone, but it has worked for me.

Although I have practiced yoga off and on for many years, I could not tell you the Sanskrit word for most of the poses, nor have I ever quite mastered the principle of connecting the inhale or the exhale with the proper movement. Yoga and I are in relationship, and it is a work in progress.

In spite of these yogic failings, magic occurs at the moment of barefoot surrender to a mat, when the only thing that matters is what transpires between body and breath. The beauty of what transpires there billows out like a radiant light shining into your life, regardless of how long you can stand in “Bow Pose” or squat down in “Chair.”

A few months ago, I noticed I was exhausted after class, so I decided to go on hiatus until I built up my energy again. I happened to be reading Suzanne Somers’ book Bombshell, and came across a one-liner mention of The Promise, by Mark Whitwell. Intrigued, and via the instant gratification of Kindle, I had a copy and was enjoying The Promise within minutes.

It is a profound book that removes the mystery of yoga and delivers a simple and personal way to practice.

The author suggests that we, “Stop looking and start living,” which springs from the idea that we are all trying to become something and therefore denying who we already are. It is easy to be who you are, you do not have to work at it, nor is it a struggle. The struggle begins when we try to be something or someone different than our true selves.

Whitwell posits that the world is structured so that we are always on a search, and in our searching we have been made dysfunctional by the perceived need to go “find God” or enlightenment. We already are the extreme intelligence and beauty of the mathematical universe, and by creating a daily intimacy between your body and your breath you will know this beauty.

About a month after I read the book, he came to San Diego to do a workshop, so I had the good fortune to meet him. He is as straight-forward and delightful as his writing. He has a humorous way of denouncing the yoga gurus, or any guru for that matter, and is on a soulful quest to make yoga more accessible to everyone.

If you have ever been intimidated by entering a yoga studio, or want the freedom of an intimate personal practice, I highly recommend his book and accompanying videos.

The most profound way to help the world is to help yourself by finding your source of peace and power.

Try committing to “The Promise.”  Seven minutes of yoga a day for forty days.

I would love to hear about your journey.


Who is Dianna Bonny?

Hi, my name is Dianna Bonny. It’s my mission to candidly share my journey with you. For me, it’s all about the healing: to create a radiant healing energy for others who have befallen a similar fate. Together, we can forge beautiful lives of belonging and connection. Thanks for joining me today! I look forward to hearing from you.

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