The Super Juice Me Cleanse: Reflections on 28 Days of Juicing June 6, 2014 • 10 Comments I am incredibly happy to report that I completed the Super Juice Me cleanse. Twenty-eight days of juice, juice and more juice. In case you decide to embark on this kind of adventure, I thought I would share my experience, which was an interesting and worthwhile way to find out more about the inner workings of my body. I tend to be impulsive and had I spent more time researching the entirety of what a twenty-eight day juice cleanse entailed in shopping and clean up, I might not have done it. I am glad I just dove in and took the challenge. I suffered mightily on days two and three were because of the detox headache. The pounding was unbearable, but the thought that toxins were cycling out of my system kept me going. I did not want to go backwards. Day nine was tough because I realized I was only one-third of the way through the journey, which meant another seventy-six sessions of preparation and clean up. I began to regard the juicer with contempt and almost cried. People would say, “Oh, that sounds really hard,” but hard is relative, isn’t it? To me, fighting cancer would be hard. Losing a child in a senseless shooting would be soul-wrenchingly hard. The luxury of enjoying the juice of fresh fruits and vegetables everyday seems ridiculously easy. For some reason, I had the tendency to get extremely hungry, so I availed myself of the option to eat an avocado with lemon and cracked pepper on many occasions and this seemed to do the trick. As each day passed, a new benefit would reveal itself. I was secretly amazed by my willpower, because I don’t think I really believed I could do it. My body feels better without all the aches. I slept like a baby for the first time in the last four years. My mind is crystal clear and it seems easier to drop into meditation and find that sweet spot of solitude that can often be elusive. My skin is as clear as I have ever seen it. These were my main reasons for doing the cleanse, so on that level it did not disappoint. Most of the time I felt like my body was buzzing, which may have been my imagination, but when you see the color of these juices, they seem like a vibrating hive of healthy goodness. Towards the end of the cleanse, I noticed I was absolutely exhausted morning and night. I came to the realization that I am not a carb-satiated human. My body does better on a balance of healthy protein and vegetables. I don’t regularly consume a lot of fruit either, so I think the sugar was a bit much for my system. To remedy the fatigue, I exchanged a lot of the fruit with cucumber, celery, cauliflower and broccoli and increased the hemp protein powder that is used in some of the juice blends. This seemed to help a bit. Super Juice Me guy Jason Vale is very likable and amusing. I loved his inspiring coaching videos on the App. I can’t compare this to any other cleanse, but I am hooked on the easy and delicious recipes. Neither my doctor nor my chiropractor were thrilled about my doing this program, mainly due to the lack of protein. I actually had blood work done right in the middle, so I am curious to see what the numbers reveal. My next cleanse will follow Ayurvedic principles and consist of Kitchari, which is known as a perfect protein and, “The food of the Gods.” It is an entirely different way of ridding the body of toxins and I love the theory behind releasing trapped emotions. More on that in the near future. If you embark on the Super Juice Me program, I would love to hear about your experience. Always good to know what is, and isn’t, working for people on their healing journey. Sending love. -db Who is Dianna Bonny? Hi, my name is Dianna Bonny. It’s my mission to candidly share my journey with you. For me, it’s all about the healing: to create a radiant healing energy for others who have befallen a similar fate. Together, we can forge beautiful lives of belonging and connection. Thanks for joining me today! I look forward to hearing from you.