The Healing Benefits of Beets + Roasted Beet Dip Recipe July 5, 2013 • 0 Comments I remember beets from my childhood as odd, dark red, jello-like strips that were to be avoided at all cost. They usually appeared on our table during a holiday, after my mother had read about a recipe in one of the popular magazines at the time. She was not a woman fond of cooking, so meals often consisted of pantry concoctions: the feared and dreaded mystery meatloaf or “beef stroganoff” made with hamburger meat and canned cream of mushroom soup. Sadly, I’m not sure I knew beets existed outside of a can until one night when I was convinced to taste a fellow diner’s roasted beet salad. I was hesitant to taste them, thinking I knew what was at the other end of that fork. How wrong I was. I fell head over heels in love. On top of being delicious, there are quite a few healing benefits of beets: they are chock full of calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamin C and manganese. In addition, they play a big role in cleansing and detoxifying the body. I add them sparingly to juice (raw, of course). My mother adhered to recipes like a detective — down the last grain of salt, literally. She would not sway one drop over or under, no matter what, and insisted I do the same. I think it is because of this that I have spent the better part of my cooking life rebelling against following recipes, like an errant child purposely coloring outside the lines in a coloring book. Things don’t always turn out well, but it keeps cooking interesting. As such, I found this fabulous roasted beet dip recipe and tweaked it a bit. The lovely folks in my singing transformational voice workshop devoured it. It is a double agent food — beautiful and healthy. Beet & Walnut Dip (adapted from Eating the Alkaline Way, original recipe is on page 166) 1 Cup Roasted Beets, chopped 1 -2 Cloves Garlic, depending on how much you like garlic 1 Large Bunch Cilantro, chopped 1 Cup Walnut Halves or Pieces 1 – 2 T Extra Virgin Olive Oil 1 T Red Wine Vinegar Salt & Pepper In a food processor, add the walnuts, cilantro and garlic and pulse until roughly chopped. Add beets and pulse until a thick paste forms. Add oil and vinegar and lightly pulse until blended. Transfer to a bowl and season with salt and pepper. Serve with crackers or an array of colorful vegetable slices. Eat in good health and let me know what you think. -db Who is Dianna Bonny? Hi, my name is Dianna Bonny. It’s my mission to candidly share my journey with you. For me, it’s all about the healing: to create a radiant healing energy for others who have befallen a similar fate. Together, we can forge beautiful lives of belonging and connection. Thanks for joining me today! I look forward to hearing from you.