Healing Foods: Amazing Grain-Free Granola Recipe January 10, 2014 • 1 Comment As the world gets more complicated, I find myself seeking islands of refuge in my daily life. An uncomplicated way to fuel my body is one of them, so when I came across The Calorie Myth by Jonathan Bailor, I was intrigued and started following the principles immediately. The book is the result of an exhaustive ten-year “research odyssey,” and although it…
Healing Comfort Food: Coconut Black Rice Pudding Recipe October 25, 2013 • 0 Comments Fall is my absolute favorite time of year and it seems like the perfect metaphor for healing as old leaves fall away and the outside landscape changes to seasonal dormancy, in preparation for the new growth of spring. It is a magical time of year that ushers in the coziest comfort foods imaginable. I have never been a big fan of…
Healthful Hummus Recipe + Garbanzo Beans Nutrition August 30, 2013 • 0 Comments For my son’s 16th birthday last weekend, he requested a Greek dinner, so I mustered my rusty joy of cooking and rose to the occasion. It turned out to be a delicious meal and fun celebration. I decided to make hummus, because the store-bought variety always leaves me wanting. I’ve never thought of the health benefits of garbanzo beans, but…
The Healing Benefits of Beets + Roasted Beet Dip Recipe July 5, 2013 • 0 Comments I remember beets from my childhood as odd, dark red, jello-like strips that were to be avoided at all cost. They usually appeared on our table during a holiday, after my mother had read about a recipe in one of the popular magazines at the time. She was not a woman fond of cooking, so meals often consisted of pantry…
Cure Leaky Gut: The Paleo Diet, Healing Foods and Greater Intuition June 28, 2013 • 2 Comments My body literally rusted in the aftermath of stress from the unfortunate events of 2010. The continuous adrenaline cocktail, lack of sleep and relentless monkey mind all had their wicked way with me on a cellular level, leaving me bereft of vitality. I won’t bore you with the laundry list of issues, but one thing I do have is Leaky Gut, which seems…
Nourishing Food: Coconut Quinoa Recipe March 22, 2013 • 0 Comments Feeling out of control goes hand in hand with traumatic change or loss. One way to regain a sense of command in your universe is the simple act of consciously choosing what you put in your body. Good food nourishes the body, mind and soul. Here is a nutritious dish that is quick and easy. I make extra quinoa to…
Eating Well: The Connection Between Diet and Anxiety March 8, 2013 • 2 Comments I am discovering that what I eat, or don’t eat, plays a large part in how much anxiety I suffer on a daily basis. It is a chicken and egg scenario: does this paralyzing anxiousness come about on its own or is it fueled by the biochemical environment I create within my body? Although adjusting to widowhood and single parenting…
Healing Foods: Liver Pate Recipe February 7, 2013 • 0 Comments Eating liver requires a bit of daring, but according to informed sources it is an incredibly beneficial food for your body. I learned a trick about liver: if you soak it in lemon and garlic for 24 hours before cooking, it dilutes the overpowering liver flavor. However, I did not do that in this recipe. This recipe is adapted from Practical…