New Beginnings for Living on the Fault Lines October 10, 2014 • 0 Comments There is a lot of excitement and change going on here at LOFL. This journey, which began four years ago with a giant slice of devastation, continues to evolve and change in ways I never could have imagined. I am incredibly grateful to my readers and I genuinely appreciate your support and encouragement. This week I had an article published…
What is Living on the Fault Lines? October 6, 2014 A few years ago, I began writing my book and slowly wading through the stories and experiences that led up to the dramatic discovery that most of my existence was not what I thought it was. Through this process, it became painfully apparent that I had been inhabiting an unconscious life, one where I knew very little about myself, or…
A Healing Interview and a Forthcoming Book September 4, 2013 • 0 Comments I have some exciting news to share today. First, I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Dina Proctor – my very first interview – which you can listen to below: New Self Help Internet Radio with Madly Chasing Peace on BlogTalkRadio Dina is the author a book called Madly Chasing Peace: How I Went From Hell to Happy in…