A Healing Interview and a Forthcoming Book September 4, 2013 • 0 Comments I have some exciting news to share today. First, I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Dina Proctor – my very first interview – which you can listen to below: New Self Help Internet Radio with Madly Chasing Peace on BlogTalkRadio Dina is the author a book called Madly Chasing Peace: How I Went From Hell to Happy in Nine Minutes a Day, which is the inspiring story of her healing journey and includes practices she calls 3X3 meditations. I have already begun to apply them in my own life and am noticing some remarkable subtle changes. Please check out her website, Madly Chasing Peace, for more information. The second thing I am excited to share is that I am in the process of finishing up the fourth draft of a book about my own journey. It has been both a gut wrenching and healing experience, and I am blessed to have been in the care and handling of some wonderful writers, who helped me find my voice, and a very kind editor, who helped shape the story. This has been my daily view for many months. The book is an unflinching and honest look at those eventful days in August 2010 and the very long and winding road leading up to them. My writing began with my own curiosity about my circumstances and a desire to find the best way to unearth the silver lining and turn this tragedy into lifelong lessons in compassion, love and understanding. The writing process stripped away the armor I had hidden behind my entire life and required radical vulnerability. In a commencement speech by J.K. Rowling she speaks of facing our greatest fears, saying it is essential to stop pretending you are anything other than what you are, so I did just that and approached the story with all the candor I could channel. It is my hope that letting this story escape out into the open will inspire others to share their own stories and surrender their pain to the grace and freedom found in healing. We are working on a title and I hope you will stay tuned as I make my way through the publishing process. Today’s post is short in the hope that you will listen to the interview above, which runs approximately 30 minutes. I would love to hear what your thoughts. -db Who is Dianna Bonny? Hi, my name is Dianna Bonny. It’s my mission to candidly share my journey with you. For me, it’s all about the healing: to create a radiant healing energy for others who have befallen a similar fate. Together, we can forge beautiful lives of belonging and connection. Thanks for joining me today! I look forward to hearing from you.