3 Essential Tools for Healing: Writing, Meditation and Conversation October 3, 2014 • 2 Comments I was recently asked about the things that were most helpful to my healing process so far. I thought I would share my top three choices, in no particular order: Writing, meditation and actively learning to engage in honest, and often difficult, conversations. Breath Work and tapping would also be on the list. Writing has been essential to my entire…
Neuroplasticity: A Secret Super Power for Healing June 2, 2014 • 0 Comments I have a collection of indoor + outdoor plants that have traveled along with me from house to house during my last three moves. I am attached to them in an odd way that I haven’t yet been able to define. Perhaps because I had to let go of so much, I needed something to anchor me to a part…
Self Healing Techniques: Tapping Your Way Through Resistance March 28, 2014 • 2 Comments Lately, I have been engaged in a dance with the darkness, also known as resistance. Inner soul basher is a better description. Steven Pressfield writes beautifully of this in his book The War of Art. It seems to me the more I invite the light in, the more the darkness seems to pull out all the stops and throw down…