Dealing with Loss: Healing Through Mentoring and Conversation

Earl R Smith II quote photo

It is difficult to believe that it has been a year since my singing debut and fiftieth birthday. So much has happened since then, and of course it means another year sandwiched between the life changing summer and the present. In many ways, it seems like yesterday, in others, another lifetime.

As the fourth year passes, I find that I am more full of appreciation, less fear and confusion.

Traveling through the landscape of loss, I have become a firm believer that time does not heal all wounds. Healing is a choice that must be cultivated and consciously practiced. The benefit of time is perspective, which is of course a crucial element to the alchemical process of understanding and integrating all of our experiences.

My mind has been deep in the woods of thought as to what space I want to occupy with regards to what happened to my family. A wise and wonderful mentor of mine impressed the importance of defining this one day when we were mulling over the possibilities. I hadn’t really thought about it in this way, figuring I would travel along the path and see where it took me.

“No, you can’t do that. You have to really think about what you want your life to look like and what you enjoy doing. It is easy to get swallowed up doing things you hate in this business,” she said emphatically, explaining that although she is very successful, her life is no longer her own.

I love writing and sharing my experiences and the lessons I have learned on my blog. The stories seem to resonate with people and I always receive gorgeous emails and probing questions. I also love helping people individually with their situations and mapping out solutions. I am in awe of the resilient nature of the human spirit — especially when it is nourished, nurtured and given room for expression.

I witness this on a daily basis with my own children as we make our way through this post-tragedy life.

Where I feel most at home is in the role of a healing mentor. There is an intimacy, reciprocity and exchange of energy that occurs in this space and I learn as much as I share, so I am excited to announce that I will be adding a place here for this work to begin on a bigger level.

The overriding theme is loss, how we integrate it and move forward after it intersects our lives. My loss had so many layers I’ve lost count, but perhaps because of my incredibly strong maternal inklings, I am particularly passionate about the invisible population of people left behind in the aftermath of suicide.

As the mother of three children who lost a parent in this way, my awareness has been drawn to the void in healing resources and healthy conversation in this arena. Plus, there is a crippling sense of isolation and loneliness. I hope to fill that space with connection, resources and love.

I continue to learn that every part of our experience with pain contains deep lessons for us, as well as the divine coordinates for a more meaningful life. I think there is tremendous freedom when we speak the truth of what has happened to us, and the potential for healing expands when it is shared.

I am so thankful for your support and presence here. It has given me the courage to keep going through the darkest days and I am eternally grateful for that gift.

For healing,


Who is Dianna Bonny?

Hi, my name is Dianna Bonny. It’s my mission to candidly share my journey with you. For me, it’s all about the healing: to create a radiant healing energy for others who have befallen a similar fate. Together, we can forge beautiful lives of belonging and connection. Thanks for joining me today! I look forward to hearing from you.

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