Reminders from the Universe: Don’t Give Up

things go wrong | Dianna Bonny Photography

I have been clearing out a lot of clutter in my life lately, both mentally and physically. There are days where I am certain I have accomplished this feat, and then I find more crap hiding in the corners of my house and mind.

Last week, I gathered up clothes and accessories that were no longer in use and decided to take them to the Women’s Resource Center. A mental struggle ensued over giving them away – everything was in good to perfect condition – so my mind went back and forth between hanging on to them “just in case” I needed them and why on earth would I keep things I never wear.

This continued on the entire thirty-minute drive and when I pulled into the parking lot, my brain was spinning in circles. I actually almost turned around and went home, but thankfully wrestled free of the banter, grabbed the bags and went in before I could change my mind.

The donation area is a small room filled to the gills with stuff and outside is a staging area for all new items. I made my way into the room to find out the procedure and spied a petite, elderly woman making her way through the shelves and racks. When I asked what to do she laughed and told me to leave the bags outside, because she had to clean up her mess before she could bring anything new inside. Then she followed me out and said, “Thank you for your donation. You have no idea how much it helps these women.”

A sense of relief flooded through me and the scarcity voice that had been yapping away was instantly silenced by the fact that these clothes would be out in the world helping rather than collecting dust in my closet.

The universe has a funny way of dropping the things we need to see in front of us, and on this day it was this lovely woman. We ended up talking at length about life and swapping stories. I told her what I was doing – writing a book and blogging about my experience – and that I was getting discouraged.

She looked at me and smiled, then proceeded to tell me about her recent experience of wanting to buy her son a house. He has medical issues and she worried he might end up without a home. “I didn’t have much money and I didn’t want to spend all of it, but desperately wanted to find a home for him.” For six months, she looked and made offers. Everything was rejected, but she kept asking Spirit to help her. Finally, the perfect home came along for $75,000. She made an offer and thought the deal was done but it was pulled out from under her at the last minute and put into auction. She was crushed.

Her husband quickly signed her up for the auction process and they made another offer.

“At the beginning of my search I wrote a note to Spirit asking for the perfect house in the amount of $55,000. Guess how much I paid?” she asked with a big smile.

She couldn’t contain her excitement as she told me. “$55,100. So just keep asking for what you want and don’t ever give up.”

I love the fact that I ran into her on this day when I did feel like giving up. It reminds me that there is magic in every corner of our lives if we look for it.

Do you get discouraged and feel like giving up?

I hope you keep asking too.

Sending love,


Who is Dianna Bonny?

Hi, my name is Dianna Bonny. It’s my mission to candidly share my journey with you. For me, it’s all about the healing: to create a radiant healing energy for others who have befallen a similar fate. Together, we can forge beautiful lives of belonging and connection. Thanks for joining me today! I look forward to hearing from you.

  6 comments for “Reminders from the Universe: Don’t Give Up

  1. December 13, 2013 at 6:42 am

    Love this story! Thank you for sharing. Yeah, I find myself discouraged…a lot. But, along comes something that causes me to look outside of myself and I’m able to keep on keepin’ on.

    • Dianna Bonny
      December 15, 2013 at 6:08 pm

      I appreciate your insight Mike. I suppose we all need reminders to get out of our own way and see the bigger picture. Glad to know I have a kindred spirit keepin’ on out there! Thank you for sharing. xo

  2. December 15, 2013 at 11:53 am

    Great story! Thanks so much for sharing! The phrase that stood out for me the most was, ” because she had to clean up her mess before she could bring anything new inside.” So many times we do need to clean up our mess (mental or physical) before we can do anything else.


    • Dianna Bonny
      December 15, 2013 at 6:12 pm

      So true Lisa! Clutter can stop us in our tracks. I don’t know why it is so easy to accumulate and hold on to stuff but I am enjoying the freedom of clearing things out. I appreciate your comment and am so glad you liked the story. xo

  3. January 22, 2014 at 11:17 am

    totally feeling the giving up – this is futile energy this week. Thanks for this.

  4. January 23, 2014 at 12:46 pm

    Dianna – just what I needed today! I am always blown away by how someone will say exactly what you need to hear at just the right moment…pure magic! I remember one time years ago, my husband and I were so down about money. We had started a new business and so disheartened. I went to the grocery store and a man ahead of me checking out suddenly turned, gave me the warmest smile and said, “tell your husband, his ship is coming in.” Then he turned and walked out. I was so dumbfounded, I just stood there with my mouth open. When I came to, I ran outside in hopes of finding him. My husband was sitting in the car right outside the exit door and I screamed, “did you see that man?” He said he’d been watching for me and didn’t see any man come out the doors. We still get goose bumps when we remember that one! 🙂 You have to love these incredible gifts we get just when we need them.

    Thank you Dianna – you always write so beautifully and speak straight to my heart! xo

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