Storytelling: Writing To Heal Your Life April 19, 2015 • 6 Comments “There is no agony like bearing an untold story inside you.” -Z.N. Hurston I was recently asked an interesting question about my healing process. What is something I did to begin and where exactly did I start? The answer is writing. In many ways, I wrote my way to healing. Not only on this blog but also in my journal,…
3 Essential Tools for Healing: Writing, Meditation and Conversation October 3, 2014 • 2 Comments I was recently asked about the things that were most helpful to my healing process so far. I thought I would share my top three choices, in no particular order: Writing, meditation and actively learning to engage in honest, and often difficult, conversations. Breath Work and tapping would also be on the list. Writing has been essential to my entire…
The Power of Writing as a Creative Therapy for Healing July 21, 2014 • 0 Comments Writing a blog is not unlike the age-old practice of keeping a journal. The major difference being that one doesn’t necessarily want anyone to happen upon the contents contained in the pages of a journal, where one has high hopes that many folks will in fact read a blog post. I believe the magic of a journal is this: in…
Share Your Story and Connect to the Healing Bandwidth April 7, 2014 • 4 Comments I spent the last week in New York City, and having not been there in over twenty years, was happily overwhelmed by the noise, hustle and bustle. It is so vibrant — a welcome contrast to sleepy San Diego, and the street art is amazing as well. I could spend hours walking and adrift in the flow of people who…
A Writer’s Retreat with Jennifer Louden November 18, 2013 • 0 Comments I originally posted this a year ago, and as I was reviewing the last twelve months as a blogger, this retreat stands out as one of the hallmark experiences in my healing and writing process. The week spent under Jen’s tender guidance gave me the permission I needed to start exploring what I wanted in life, and write it down…
Healing Trauma: Vulnerability Is the New Black September 16, 2013 • 0 Comments I had a conversation with a woman I adore the other day about healing and spirituality, two of my favorite subjects. This woman is all heart, having been on her own painful journey, so we don’t have to pretend or mince words. These are my favorite kind of folks: the ones who don’t flinch when facing taboo or uncomfortable subjects.…