Using The Power Of The Breath To Reconnect With Karen Winter April 24, 2015 • 0 Comments In this 63 minute interview with author, EFT master and Breath Work practitioner, Karen Winter, we discuss using the power of the breath to reconnect with the light and love that lives within us, especially after traumatic loss. Breathing is largely overlooked as a tool for healing, but it is an important element to explore when we are navigating any kind…
Life Lessons Learned By Living With Less April 17, 2015 • 0 Comments We have a serious drought here in California. It reminds me of the Seventies when I was in my early teens and we had a severe water shortage. I lived in the Bay area at the time and the entire community joined in on the conservation efforts. In our house, shower time was limited and toilets were infrequently flushed. For…
Yes, It’s True: Your Words And Actions Do Matter April 10, 2015 • 0 Comments I grew up in the era of, “Sticks and stone will break your bones, but words will never hurt you.” Clearly, whoever originated this saying had never dealt with social media, cyber-harassment or an unmonitored teenager armed with a Smartphone. My how times have changed. Words are powerful weapons and yes, it’s true, your words and actions do matter.
Unraveling The Aftermath Of Suicide And Healing March 27, 2015 • 0 Comments A couple weeks ago, I talked about the trials and tribulations of doing video work. Today, I learned that I needn’t have been so worried about it being perfect because apparently a highly skilled video editor can remove any and all imperfections. It made me laugh to think of how hard I tried to get the lighting, sound and actual…