Embracing Ourselves After Trauma With Dr. Megan McElheran May 25, 2015 • 1 Comment In this 46 minute interview with Dr. Megan McElheran of WGM Psychology in Calgary, who is a clinically trained psychologist specializing in the treatment of trauma and PTSD, we discuss the idea of embracing ourselves with compassion both before and after tragedy. No human is immune to trauma in the global community, although we all like to think otherwise. Nowadays, loss…
Breaking The Spell Of Self Loathing April 27, 2015 • 2 Comments I have shared a bit about the fact that I am creating a seminar program called Unraveling the Aftermath of Suicide, Healing the People Left Behind. In many ways, it is the culmination of all the work I have been doing over the last five years. Every moment of writing, inner exploration, singing, journaling, therapy, breathing, meditating, tapping and so…