Finding Your Authentic Voice March 6, 2015 • 0 Comments In my last post, I posed the questions, “Was there an event that dampened your curiosity in childhood,” and, “What effect did it have on your life?” These inquiries came from my own exploration of the effect that forbidden curiosity had on my life. As a result of a rather impactful event, I lost the sense of having a voice…
Healing Habits: Restoring Authentic Self Expression December 24, 2014 • 0 Comments If you have ever watched children at play, before the cookie-cutter world has tampered with their inherent wisdom by imprinting rules and proper behavior, it is obvious that they are emotive-expression machines. Expression — through love, play and creativity — comes naturally and flows through them like a vibrant river. Social structure builds dams in this flow by saying: That behavior is not…
Hiding Your True Self: Papier-Mâché People October 30, 2013 • 4 Comments In elementary school I had a groovy fifth grade teacher. She was incredibly kind and stood out in her flowing flowery tops, head-bands and long, curly hair. There weren’t a lot of cool wardrobe options going on in 1973 (I would argue that fashion completely bypassed this decade), so she was a breath of fresh air. Our classroom was an…