Storytelling: Writing To Heal Your Life April 19, 2015 • 6 Comments “There is no agony like bearing an untold story inside you.” -Z.N. Hurston I was recently asked an interesting question about my healing process. What is something I did to begin and where exactly did I start? The answer is writing. In many ways, I wrote my way to healing. Not only on this blog but also in my journal,…
Offering Support After A Suicide January 9, 2015 • 0 Comments I had a few calls over the holidays asking for help in how to respond and offer support after a suicide, so I thought I would share some ideas on how to be a friend in the aftermath. These are things that helped my family and I share them in case this experience crosses your path. I love the A. A. Milne…
3 Essential Tools for Healing: Writing, Meditation and Conversation October 3, 2014 • 2 Comments I was recently asked about the things that were most helpful to my healing process so far. I thought I would share my top three choices, in no particular order: Writing, meditation and actively learning to engage in honest, and often difficult, conversations. Breath Work and tapping would also be on the list. Writing has been essential to my entire…
A Writer’s Retreat with Jennifer Louden November 18, 2013 • 0 Comments I originally posted this a year ago, and as I was reviewing the last twelve months as a blogger, this retreat stands out as one of the hallmark experiences in my healing and writing process. The week spent under Jen’s tender guidance gave me the permission I needed to start exploring what I wanted in life, and write it down…