Being Present: One Thousand Healing Moments December 16, 2013 • 2 Comments I heard a statistic that, on average, people look at their cell phones a thousand times a day and I find this fascinating. It makes me wonder what we are looking for on our phones: Validation? Connection? Belonging? A way to look busy or feel important? I’m part of the generation that grew up pre-cell phone, and I’m trying to…
On Mental Distractions, Anxiety Relief and Self-Sabotage May 6, 2013 • 4 Comments I caught myself doing it again today: wiping the counters. Moving items over to wipe under them, moving them back, and then wiping again to be sure I didn’t miss a spot. A voice came on in my head, like a loud speaker, and said, “What are you doing?” which stopped me in my tracks. It’s the same feeling I…