Rogue post…

To my surprise my father called the other night to say he had received my latest blog post. I hadn’t posted anything since my first and only entry so I was intrigued. Well, startled to be more exact.   He sent me the link and just two words appeared, “Why blog.”  An interesting technological blunder since the question has been wandering around in my mind since I wrote the first post.  And while I am finding my blogging voice, I am also learning the nuances of blog technology which is no small feat.  My children are mildly amused (okay, annoyed) when they have to assist me with my Ipod so the notion of me hosting a website is rather comical.

My son and I had a good laugh that my first post was potentially my last.  A one hit web blurt – as though I wrote it, got a case of bloggers remorse and made a hasty retreat leaving only the cryptic ending: Why blog?

I’m not sure how it escaped the confines of my computer.  Perhaps it was a subconscious note-to-self or a plea from the depths of my soul to reconsider.  Or maybe it was just my inability to use WordPress.

I felt silly and berated myself for my lack of techno-savvy.  I got caught up in questioning my purpose here and stumbled right down the path with that miserable voice in my head which sometimes screams, “who do you think you are?” and “oh my god, look at the mistake you made!”   Quite a colorful conversation.  But, then I remembered all the wonderful, raw wisdom I have discovered on other blogs.  Surely they weren’t always perfect and shiny and brilliant.

And I was reminded of my intention:  To create a place for connection and possibilities, and hopefully discover a way to thrive when life has delivered less than desirable circumstances on the doorstep.  A place where blunders and imperfections are forgiven and welcomed as part of the shared human experience.

I wish I was blogging about the delights of gluten-free food or my travel adventures to incredible places but that is not my sphere of experience right now.  For the moment, center stage is a cataclysmic emotional avalanche and the lessons contained therein.  Slowly and thankfully the focus is shifting to the gifts that are born out of living through such radical upheaval.

As I learn and experiment, imperfect will most likely always live here.  But hopefully interesting, inspiring and insightful will inhabit this space as well.

So..if you received my rogue blog post and thought maybe I had given up – I have not!  I hope you will bear with me as I fumble my way through unfamiliar territory and find my way.  The intimidating and incredibly overwhelming world of domains, formatting and social media.  Not to mention the act of writing.

Have you ever blundered?  I’d love to hear about it!

Keep seeking new possibilities..


  1 comment for “Rogue post…

  1. Jill
    March 6, 2012 at 5:20 am

    To my very astute friend…blog on and prosper. 🙂 xo

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