Healing Lessons from NBC’s The Voice September 26, 2014 • 0 Comments I’m not much of a television watcher, but my son and I did get taken in by the swirling media vortex of The Voice last Spring. Somehow, we happened upon the season premiere and from then on we were loyally watching every Monday night. I adored the winner; my son was rooting for someone else. In the end we jokingly…
Healing After Loss: Birthdays, Vulnerability and Blessed Connections October 16, 2013 • 0 Comments This past weekend I had the good fortune to attend the 50th birthday party of a dear friend. She is a rare gem, one of those unique humans who naturally finds the good in people and nurtures friendships with attentive love and care. I had fallen out of orbit the last few years, so it was incredibly healing to reel…
Healing Trauma: Vulnerability Is the New Black September 16, 2013 • 0 Comments I had a conversation with a woman I adore the other day about healing and spirituality, two of my favorite subjects. This woman is all heart, having been on her own painful journey, so we don’t have to pretend or mince words. These are my favorite kind of folks: the ones who don’t flinch when facing taboo or uncomfortable subjects.…