Practical Matters, Mortality and Discussing Death November 7, 2014 • 0 Comments I was asked in two interesting questions in an interview the other day that I have been contemplating for a quite some time: Why aren’t people talking about suicide, and what is it I hope to accomplish with my work? There are so many reasons why we don’t talk about it but, death in general, makes most people uncomfortable and…
Talking to Children About Death: Healing and Conversation June 23, 2014 • 2 Comments Last week I had the opportunity to share my story with a wonderful group of people who graciously allowed me to unfurl before them. I really enjoy this kind of interaction with small groups. Answering questions forces me to dig deeper into what I have learned and how it might apply to the others dealing with loss. It is very…
Conscious Parenting: Optimizing Your Behavoir During Difficult Times January 6, 2014 • 0 Comments When I began the process of disciplining my first two children, I encountered a dilemma. Normally patient and kind, I would suddenly become irrational, triggered by incidental things. I couldn’t explain or understand the behavior but it bothered me. One minute I was a calm and happy mother, the next, I was my mother, yelling.