How to Heal: 5 Tips for Fierce Healing May 9, 2014 • 0 Comments Loss is a part of life, maybe more so now than ever. Here are some thoughts and tools to champion your healing possibilities and create space to connect with your innate goodness. I’m a big believer that just beyond the pain of your wounds is beautiful energy that awaits your discovery. Unearthing it, and honoring the wisdom that lives there,…
Emotional Healing: The Benefits of Honoring Emotions May 5, 2014 • 2 Comments I used to love driving my kids to and from school. Elementary school was fairly close, but for middle and high school, I was one of those parents who chose schools that required going the distance. As it turned out, those long drives were encapsulated moments of amazing connection and discovery. The time was precious — we were enclosed in…