Tag Archive for healing trauma

The Power of Writing as a Creative Therapy for Healing

dazzlement | Dianna Bonny Photography

Writing a blog is not unlike the age-old practice of keeping a journal. The major difference being that one doesn’t necessarily want anyone to happen upon the contents contained in the pages of a journal, where one has high hopes that many folks will in fact read a blog post. I believe the magic of a journal is this: in…

My Story, Your Story: On Coping with Loss and Beginning Again

Philip Pullman photo quote | Dianna Bonny Photography

I have been revisiting some of my blog posts this summer and when I came across this one I knew I had to re-post it. I wrote it at the beginning of this blogging journey. It clearly details my “why” and comes straight from my broken heart and wounded soul. I needed to be reminded of these precious things and…

The Healing Gift Contained Within Our Emotional Wounds

Steve Maraboli photo quote | Dianna Bonny Photography

Don’t let your wounds make you someone you are not. The above thought came to me when I was trying to figure out what exactly I am doing with all this writing and bound up desire to share my story. Sometimes, it seems like such craziness. I mean, I am up against some pretty big odds here and every so…

Talking to Children About Death: Healing and Conversation

Steve Allen quote | Dianna Bonny Photography

Last week I had the opportunity to share my story with a wonderful group of people who graciously allowed me to unfurl before them. I really enjoy this kind of interaction with small groups. Answering questions forces me to dig deeper into what I have learned and how it might apply to the others dealing with loss. It is very…

The Language of Emotions: Taking Control of Your Healing

Lotus Logo

This post is from a year ago. Perhaps longer. As much as I hate to admit my own limitations, I am exhausted and in a place where I need to step back a bit and figure out the future. Lately, I cannot find solace in my writing mind. There are just too many things floating around in there.  The experience…

Neuroplasticity: A Secret Super Power for Healing

Lisa Wimberger quote | Dianna Bonny Photography

I have a collection of indoor + outdoor plants that have traveled along with me from house to house during my last three moves. I am attached to them in an odd way that I haven’t yet been able to define. Perhaps because I had to let go of so much, I needed something to anchor me to a part…

Curating a Collection of Self Healing Practices

Ralph Waldo Emerson quote | Dianna Bonny Photography

There is a lot of talk about gratitude these days and I am a big practitioner of bringing it into my life by keeping track of the things that give me pause, make me smile or fill me with a deep sense of reverence. I love this practice because it is a record of the beauty and goodness that I’d…

Healing Trauma and Restoring Balance After Chaos

Walking on Swamis Beach | Dianna Bonny Photography

There are days when I don’t want to get out of bed. The residue of the long, restless night seeps into the day and fills my cells with a resistance to facing what is before me. I long to feel normal again — although I’m not sure if there is such a thing anymore — and to know that my…

Reinventing Your Life After Loss: The Heartbeat of Devotion

Lotus Logo

One of the remarkable things I remember the most about those first few moments and days was my heart, as though it was pounding its way out of my chest. No amount of Xanax could slow it down. As revelations came to light about my life and shards of the facade fell away, it was my heartbeat that I could…

Dismantling the Construct of Shame

shame, Brene Brown | Dianna Bonny Photography

One of the most humiliating moments of my young life happened on the morning bus ride as we pulled into the parking lot of intermediate school. I  was awkwardly sporting a brand new training bra and vacillating between being extremely proud, though I’ve no idea why since I had no breasts to speak of, and utterly terrified that someone might…