Self Healing: A Few Things I Have Learned March 30, 2015 • 6 Comments This is a repost that still feels as true as the day I wrote it nearly two years ago. My how times flies when you aren’t looking! If you have been thrown into the fire of loss, then you will know the feeling of treading upon the anniversary of these things with care. These days demand a certain kind of…
Healing Trauma: What It Means To Heal March 9, 2015 • 7 Comments This was originally a guest post over at Elin Stebbins Waldal’s beautiful blog and I wanted to share it here: Traumatic experiences can dramatically interrupt our lives, like a mighty ice storm, and instantly change the landscape. We then face the question of whether we are going to remain frozen in the position the storm left us, or smash the…
Life Transitions and the Beauty of Sharing Wisdom September 12, 2014 • 0 Comments This Fall seems to be full of transitions, and I am trying to keep up with it all, but honestly, always feel like I am falling behind. No pun intended. I keep thinking things will begin to simplify and slow down, but the pace just seems to get faster. Since this is my favorite time of year, however, I am…
The Healing Gift Contained Within Our Emotional Wounds June 30, 2014 • 0 Comments Don’t let your wounds make you someone you are not. The above thought came to me when I was trying to figure out what exactly I am doing with all this writing and bound up desire to share my story. Sometimes, it seems like such craziness. I mean, I am up against some pretty big odds here and every so…
Neuroplasticity: A Secret Super Power for Healing June 2, 2014 • 0 Comments I have a collection of indoor + outdoor plants that have traveled along with me from house to house during my last three moves. I am attached to them in an odd way that I haven’t yet been able to define. Perhaps because I had to let go of so much, I needed something to anchor me to a part…
Are We There Yet? Three Essentials for Healing Trauma February 17, 2014 • 4 Comments When I was growing up we did a lot of road trips. We’d pack up our hideous sky blue & wood-paneled Mercury Montego station wagon and set off for the adventure at hand, primarily skiing. Sans the electronics of today, Mad Libs, I Spy, books and backgammon provided the entertainment. These games often had a short life span and always…
Healing & the Power of Receiving November 13, 2013 • 11 Comments “Receiving is much harder than giving. It can be emotionally risky: it requires opening up to a possibility or desire that may not be fulfilled. Giving is easy. Not only do you get to showcase your more saintly qualities but also your ego enjoys the reward – the payoff of giving.” Amanda Owen I was never taught much about receiving…
The Healing Process: It’s a Marathon September 30, 2013 • 2 Comments “If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.” Thomas A. Edison Fifteen years ago I ran a marathon with the Leukemia Society’s Team in Training program. The spark for this adventure began when a friend of mine was in training for a marathon and I made the comment that there was no…
Healing Resources: Sit. Stay. Heal. September 20, 2013 • 0 Comments I am a big fan of Pema Chödrön and I adore her book The Places That Scare You: A Guide to Fearlessness in Difficult Times. I opened the pages many times during the last three years and found myself guided and comforted by the simple, yet profound wisdom on the pages. One of my favorite passages: “How are we going…
Healing Music: The Power of Music for Healing September 9, 2013 • 0 Comments My friend has been waxing poetic about Spotify for some time now, and I have steadfastly refused her advances to join the musical bandwagon because I have very limited mental bandwidth for technological things. However, the other night, we were listening to an amazing array of music and she sent me home with the admonition to sign up for the…