Using Equine Principles to Train the Human Mind June 20, 2014 • 2 Comments Last week, I had dinner with the woman who has been caring for one of my horses. I always love seeing her even though it brings up the deep sadness I harbor about having to give up my equine companions. There are certain parts of my story, and this is one of them, that I prefer not to visit all…
Choose Self-Devotion and Create a Healing Movement March 24, 2014 • 0 Comments After four years of walking in the deeps woods of loss, I have come to think of it as the true equalizer in life. No one is spared and there are no detours. For many, it becomes a blueprint for suffering, and for others, the divine coordinates for a larger life. It took me a while, but I do cherish…
Self Healing: The Energy of Compassion October 28, 2013 • 3 Comments I have long been trying to understand my own propensity to succumb to the little voice that calls from the dark trying to convince me I am not enough. But even more puzzling is the actual existence of the part of myself that seems devoted to self-destruction. Our dark side is an underground entity with confusing motives – isn’t life…