Are You A Creature Of Habit? March 23, 2015 • 0 Comments I have three Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. Long name for a small dog. I adore them of course, but three dogs equals three dogs. Three bowls of food, three baths, three leashes to handle on a walk. You get the picture. Their most coveted moment is when I allow them on the bed. They all curl up around me despite…
Self-Mastery As A Way Of Life January 26, 2015 • 0 Comments Four years into the uninvited (yet now, strangely welcome) life reinvention, I have grasped that there is really very little that we have any control over, other than ourselves. Strangely, very few of us take the time to master this idea as a way of living a better life. When things first happened, I remember looking at myself in the…