Storytelling: Writing To Heal Your Life

healing writing | Dianna Bonny Photography

“There is no agony like bearing an untold story inside you.” -Z.N. Hurston I was recently asked an interesting question about my healing process. What is something I did to begin and where exactly did I start? The answer is writing. In many ways, I wrote my way to healing. Not only on this blog but also in my journal,…

Life Lessons Learned By Living With Less

We have a serious drought here in California. It reminds me of the Seventies when I was in my early teens and we had a severe water shortage. I lived in the Bay area at the time and the entire community joined in on the conservation efforts. In our house, shower time was limited and toilets were infrequently flushed. For…

Emotional Connection & Suicide Loss With Raphael Cushnir

In this 65 minute Healing Project Interview with author and renowned teacher, Raphael Cushnir, a leading voice in the world of emotional connection and present moment awareness, we talk about the importance of feeling emotions, especially the difficult ones, in order to heal. There are few experiences that bring us in contact with a wider range of painful emotions than the…

Yes, It’s True: Your Words And Actions Do Matter

I grew up in the era of, “Sticks and stone will break your bones, but words will never hurt you.” Clearly, whoever originated this saying had never dealt with social media, cyber-harassment or an unmonitored teenager armed with a Smartphone. My how times have changed. Words are powerful weapons and yes, it’s true, your words and actions do matter.

Suicide Loss: Using Meditation to Heal With Dina Proctor

In this 65 minute interview with Dina Proctor, speaker, coach and author of the best selling book, Madly Chasing Peace: How I Went From Hell To Happy In 9 Minutes A Day, we discuss how to use meditation to poke holes in the dark energy surrounding the aftermath of suicide. It is Dina’s philosophy that the space we hold inside…

Healthy, Healing Kale Chips Recipes

kale chips | Dianna Bonny Photography

I had the misfortune of purchasing a bag of Kale chips at Whole Foods once — nacho cheese flavored, I believe. The whole family was disgusted. I don’t think kale stores very well, even in those super sonic, air-tight, space shuttle bags. As hearty as those leaves may seem, they are not meant for prolonged shelf life. I deposited kale…

Live Courageously Without Regret

I always rebuke myself when I don’t use food before the use by date. It doesn’t happen often, but it annoys me that I have wasted food. If it is chicken or turkey, I smell it to see if it is OK for my dogs, and then rinse it off if it seems within the safety range. I don’t know…

Self Healing: A Few Things I Have Learned

Dianna Bonny Lotus Icon

This is a repost that still feels as true as the day I wrote it nearly two years ago. My how times flies when you aren’t looking! If you have been thrown into the fire of loss, then you will know the feeling of treading upon the anniversary of these things with care. These days demand a certain kind of…

Unraveling The Aftermath Of Suicide And Healing

A couple weeks ago, I talked about the trials and tribulations of doing video work. Today, I learned that I needn’t have been so worried about it being perfect because apparently a highly skilled video editor can remove any and all imperfections. It made me laugh to think of how hard I tried to get the lighting, sound and actual…

Are You A Creature Of Habit?

I have three Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. Long name for a small dog. I adore them of course, but three dogs equals three dogs. Three bowls of food, three baths, three leashes to handle on a walk. You get the picture. Their most coveted moment is when I allow them on the bed. They all curl up around me despite…