Creativity & Inspiration

New Year, New You: Let the Light In

glass heart on beach sand

One day, you will look back upon all that has come to pass and understand the reasons. Every non-sensical moment will suddenly become ripe with purpose and meaning. As your cells align with that future possibility, trust that every molecule in your being is searching for the intersection of that clarity. As understanding makes its way to you, traveling through space and time to reveal…

Holiday Reflections: David Whyte’s Santiago

Dianna Bonny Lotus Icon

I am a big fan of David Whyte’s poetry. I love the way he crafts words into poems that land on my heart and stay there long after I’ve read them. I just recently came across this one, and it seemed the perfect reminder during the hustle and bustle of the holidays, that it is ourselves we ultimately seek.

Being Present: One Thousand Healing Moments

The Hug Painting

I heard a statistic that, on average, people look at their cell phones a thousand times a day and I find this fascinating. It makes me wonder what we are looking for on our phones: Validation? Connection? Belonging? A way to look busy or feel important? I’m part of the generation that grew up pre-cell phone, and I’m trying to…

Holiday Stress: Cause Beauty Instead on Black Friday

Dianna Bonny Lotus Icon

I am sending Black Friday blessings to those of you out there braving the crowds. You won’t find me anywhere near a store or a mall for a variety of reasons. For one thing, I value my peace of mind more than any consumer good, half price or not. And another, after you are forced to offload most of your…

Conscious Healing Through Mind Mapping

mind map | Dianna Bonny Photography

Although healing is an organic process, it requires a pro-active mindset. And, making the choice to heal is the only way for it to begin. Let’s face it, being a victim is powerful stuff and you can get a lot of mileage out of it. But, it limits your range because you will be driving the same stretch of highway…

JFK 50th Anniversary: Memories of John F. Kennedy

Kennedy quote photo | Dianna Bonny

I was born just four months before the fateful day of JFK’s assassination and grew up surrounded by his story through my school years. I vividly recall the grainy images of him and his family in the history books, which made them seem an otherworldly fairy tale to me. Today, on the fiftieth anniversary of his death at the age…

Healing & the Power of Receiving

the power of receiving | Dianna Bonny Photography

“Receiving is much harder than giving. It can be emotionally risky: it requires opening up to a possibility or desire that may not be fulfilled. Giving is easy. Not only do you get to showcase your more saintly qualities but also your ego enjoys the reward – the payoff of giving.” Amanda Owen I was never taught much about receiving…

Repurposing Jewelry That Contains Painful Energy from the Past

gold jewelry | Dianna Bonny Photography

I envision the aftermath of loss as akin to the miraculous phenomenon of the caterpillar transforming into a butterfly. For period of time, while the caterpillar body disintegrates within the chrysalis, it becomes a mixture of imaginal cells, a cocktail of possibility, old and new combining to become something entirely different. It is nature at her best: raw, messy and…

Walking Meditation: Inviting the Divine Spirit via the Labyrinth

labyrinth | Dianna Bonny Photography

“Walking the labyrinth is a way of praying with the body that invites the divine presence into an active conversation with the heart and soul. By engaging in this walking meditation, we are fully engaging our minds, bodies, and spirits at the same time.” Washington National Cathedral My first experience with a labyrinth occurred in Taos at the Mabel Dodge…

Hiding Your True Self: Papier-Mâché People

papier mache | Dianna Bonny Photography

In elementary school I had a groovy fifth grade teacher. She was incredibly kind and stood out in her flowing flowery tops, head-bands and long, curly hair. There weren’t a lot of cool wardrobe options going on in 1973 (I would argue that fashion completely bypassed this decade), so she was a breath of fresh air. Our classroom was an…