Yoga & Meditation My yoga and meditation practices are very unstructured. The practice of yoga is not about being a pretzel or going to a fancy studio, it is simply finding your way home to your own body and befriending it at long last. After spending a lifetime at odds with every part of my physical self, it is truly a miracle to me that I am comfortable in my own skin. I attribute this to planting my feet on a yoga mat. I don’t believe meditation has to be complicated. It is simply another element in your healing toolbox. I think of it as harnessing the incredible mental technology that we were all born with. At its core, it is regarding our “self” with tender curiosity and constantly returning to the quiet space behind the chatterbox. I have fleeting moments of being there and I believe you can too. I am no master, only a traveller, right along side the rest of humanity. Recent posts in Yoga & Meditation [blog_in_blog category_slug=’yoga-and-meditation’ num=2]