Tools for Healing Physical and Emotional Illness November 21, 2014 • 0 Comments My son has been wandering around the house fighting a cold for the past week or so, and despite my best efforts to avoid the cloud of pathogens, which included ingesting copious amounts of oregano oil, my body succumbed to the alien invasion of cold+flu germs. I hate being sick, but as I lay here flat on my back, I…
Neuroplasticity: A Secret Super Power for Healing June 2, 2014 • 0 Comments I have a collection of indoor + outdoor plants that have traveled along with me from house to house during my last three moves. I am attached to them in an odd way that I haven’t yet been able to define. Perhaps because I had to let go of so much, I needed something to anchor me to a part…
The Immeasurability of the Healing Process April 28, 2014 • 0 Comments We are a nation of measurers aren’t we? Everywhere you look there is someone with a yardstick stretched out over our lives to make sure we are keeping up: school GPAs, test scores, top 100 lists, body mass index, IQs and happy lifestyle percentiles, and even a stress scale to keep track of…stress. Just for kicks, I added up my…
Healing Tools: Inviting Awareness In November 8, 2013 • 2 Comments “Awareness builds its own momentum.” Stephen Covey My mother was famous for saying, “This is the way I am. I can’t change.” And, by dint of osmosis and observation, I too believed that I was the way I was and couldn’t change. It’s a rather dangerous and dead-end way to conduct a life and I am living proof of the tragic…