Liquid Healing Gold: Sea Buckthorn

True Food cookbook | Dianna Bonny Photography

If you have been reading my blog for a while, you will know that my curiosity leads me down strange roads in search of healing nutritional food and beverages. This is the result of the ruthless toll stress took on my body and my own lack of knowledge at the time. Had I been better informed, I might have spared myself some mysterious and painful ailments, like the excruciating marvel Shingles. Ouch.

On a recent jaunt to the local Barnes and Noble (coming soon: a more interesting destination), I discovered my new favorite cookbook: True Food, by Dr. Andrew Weil. I have already whipped up a number of dishes and every one of them is fabulous. Even my kids returned rave reviews.

I discovered Sea Buckthorn a while ago and have always been perplexed about what to do with this strange but powerful ingredient. It is nutrient-dense liquid gold — a stressed human’s dream.

Dr. Weil explains it best:

“Sea Buckthorn is one of the most nutritious, vitamin packed fruits ever discovered, exceptionally high in antioxidants (vitamins C and E, carotenoids) and good fatty acids. This combination of nutrients has potent health-protective and therapeutic properties, which is why the oil extracts have long been used in Asia and Europe to lower inflammation, relieve pain, and promote tissue regeneration.”

I was drinking it straight out of the bottle, which almost requires holding your breath and is not recommended. I graduated to adding water, which helps but still leaves a lot to be desired.

The cookbook has much better suggestions to enjoy this golden healing agent.

Andy’s Elixir

1 ounce sea buckthorn juice

1 ounce Simple Syrup

Soda water

Combine sea buckthorn juice and Simple Syrup in a cocktail shaker and shake well to combine. Fill a tall glass with ice cubes and pour the mixture in. Fill the glass with soda water.


Simple Syrup

1 cup evaporated cane sugar

1 cup water

Combine in a saucepan over medium heat until the sugar dissolves. Let cool and keep in a lidded jar in the refrigerator.

Another way I have found to drink it is simply mix one ounce of sea buckthorn juice with the juice of a whole lemon and add mineral water. It is tart, but if you have a good imagination it is very similar to a Bloody Mary. Seriously. Perhaps an acquired taste, but a nice alternative to all the sugary sweet drinks available for consumption.

Let me know if you like it or if you have any other ways to utilize this healthy ingredient.


Who is Dianna Bonny?

Hi, my name is Dianna Bonny. It’s my mission to candidly share my journey with you. For me, it’s all about the healing: to create a radiant healing energy for others who have befallen a similar fate. Together, we can forge beautiful lives of belonging and connection. Thanks for joining me today! I look forward to hearing from you.

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