Tag Archive for how to believe in yourself

A Healing Trinity of Tools for Self Discovery

know yourself | Dianna Bonny Photography

I call the following the Trinity of Healing, born from the three-legged stool analogy, because we all need a supportive foundation upon which to sit as we heal in the aftermath of loss. Nothing fancy, just three concepts that seem to bubble up to the surface over and over as I travel this path. And since you and I are…

Self Healing Techniques: Tapping Your Way Through Resistance

Tiffany Loren Rowe quote | Dianna Bonny Photography

Lately, I have been engaged in a dance with the darkness, also known as resistance. Inner soul basher is a better description. Steven Pressfield writes beautifully of this in his book The War of Art. It seems to me the more I invite the light in, the more the darkness seems to pull out all the stops and throw down…