Tag Archive for finding your truth

Discovering Your Truth and Healing After an Affair

reality quote |Dianna Bonny Photography

In my other life, I knew a woman who was involved in a long-term affair. This went on for years, and she spoke about it — and her vision of their future together — often and openly, as though it was the most normal thing in the world. I was always surprised by her confident tone of inevitability. At first,…

A Healing Trinity of Tools for Self Discovery

know yourself | Dianna Bonny Photography

I call the following the Trinity of Healing, born from the three-legged stool analogy, because we all need a supportive foundation upon which to sit as we heal in the aftermath of loss. Nothing fancy, just three concepts that seem to bubble up to the surface over and over as I travel this path. And since you and I are…

A Healing State of Mind & Asking for Help

Dianna Bonny Lotus Icon

I am wondering how you create a healing state of mind, because it’s something I have had to learn and now think of as a practice — something one has to actively cultivate for their betterment. It doesn’t just “happen,” rather we invite it into our lives daily through a series of decisions and actions that propel us forward on…

The Power of Video for Self Discovery: Removing the Mask

conscious | Dianna Bonny Photography

I have written about my experiences of coming out from behind the lens, much like a child stepping out from the folds of her mother’s skirt, slowly revealing more and more. When my blog first went “live,” I made my computer gal take it down so I could get used to the photo of myself being out there. It was…

The Ultimate Expression of Love: Self-Trust

inner wisdom | Dianna Bonny Photography

One of the muscles I have been nurturing and building over these last few years is a previously unused and withered one: the one of self-trust, which translates to following my own intuition and staying aligned with what I know to be true for me. I have always been particularly good at standing up for my children and outside causes,…

The Illuminating Journey of Self Healing

Taoist quote photo | Dianna Bonny Photography

A few months ago I was honored to be asked to guest post on the fabulous TalkProject.net. I am a big fan of sharing stories and I adore Tracie Nichols’ work. I hope you will explore the site. This is a re-post of what I shared and because I hope 2014 is the year we can all lay ourselves out…