Moving Day: Reflections on Moving Again

I have been dreading the thought of packing up and moving for the last couple of months. Alas, the moment is upon us and so into boxes and bags all of our belongings go. The laborious and exhausting process makes me want to divest myself of everything I own and board the next flight to a small island, where I can curl up under a palm tree.

Instead, I am filling boxes with the contents of my house to schlep across town and be unloaded into the rooms and shelves of another structure.

Moving Shelves | Dianna Bonny


My 78-year-old father is here to help. He has lived in his house for over 40 years, and happily comments that he is relieved he will never have to move. I have to resist the urge to put duct tape over his mouth, since this is my third move in two years.

Moving is like stepping into a vortex. It stirs everything up and can be a painful reminder that we are still trekking our way out of the abyss. Plucked out of one life and thrust into a vastly different reality, there is a continuous sense of letting go, adjusting to new surroundings and seeking a sense of equilibrium.

No easy task.

I am rearranging the physical contents of my life in much the same way. I have been reworking my inner being. With this move, I am trying to reflect on every inch of my belongings, constantly asking myself, “Do I truly need this?” and then carefully deciding what is coming with me.

I notice that I have had a tendency to amass strange things: an embarrassing collection of electrical cords — vestiges of old TVs, phones, computers, iPods, DVD players; a preponderance of bowls; so many pens and pencils I could outfit a small school; a stockpile of chairs, but only one dresser between us; an exotic, and overabundant, selection of cooking oils; and a library of books.

And then there are the shopping bags. Although this path of bags looks as though I am a hoarder or an over-exuberant shopper, I am neither. I’m not sure where the collection began, but some of these bags are ten years old. In an effort to be an eco-conscious consumer, I felt guilty throwing them away. Perhaps Goodwill can repurpose them.

So Many Bags | Dianna Bonny

After this move, it is my wish that we can settle into the next phase of the healing cycle: a peaceful place where our physical and emotional load is lighter. And as our journey continues to unfold, I am hopeful that a sense of belonging in the world again will surround us like a comforting blanket.

In the meantime, I feel incredibly lucky to have my children by my side, a roof over my head and fewer bags.

Do you have the tendency to collect odd things? I would love to hear about it.


Who is Dianna Bonny?

Hi, my name is Dianna Bonny. It’s my mission to candidly share my journey with you. For me, it’s all about the healing: to create a radiant healing energy for others who have befallen a similar fate. Together, we can forge beautiful lives of belonging and connection. Thanks for joining me today! I look forward to hearing from you.


  2 comments for “Moving Day: Reflections on Moving Again

  1. Lew Vaught
    February 2, 2013 at 11:42 am


    Was it necessary to give my age, I dont feel 78. I am impressed with your Blog and next time I will furnish the Duct Tape.

    Your loving father

    • Morgana
      February 3, 2013 at 11:28 am

      u r as old as u feel

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