Suicide Awareness: Thinking and Speaking of Suicide

John Lennon quote | Dianna Bonny Photography

As suicide rates continue to climb, I have to think that perhaps the way we think and talk (or not talk) about it are not working. Having spent the last four years acclimating to being a part of this culture, I have fully experienced its taboo nature and the way people emotionally retreat in its presence.

It is, without a doubt, one of the more uncomfortable subjects to unravel and discuss.

A young man approached me in New York last week after overhearing me speak about my story to the media. I would guess he was twenty-three years old, quite handsome and well spoken. He told me he thought of taking his life often and didn’t know what to do about it. Life hadn’t turned out to be what he expected, and while he tried to talk to his friends about it, all they could offer was that he just needed to stop thinking about it.

The advice was of no value to him.

I asked him if he had ever heard of EFT (tapping) or breath work as a way to manage his energy, thoughts and emotions. Had he considered meditation? He replied no to all of the above, but he was keen about the explanation of EFT being related to the body’s energy meridians, because he studies martial arts.

I am not a doctor or suicide prevention expert. My focus here on the blog has been mostly directed towards healing the people left behind. The ones dealing with the aftermath of an emotional tsunami that has them drowning in an ocean of guilt, humiliation, sadness and despair, because that is what I know well.

But, this brave young man got me to thinking that there might be another channel to explore, and more information to pursue on this journey because, although I haven’t been suicidal, I have been hostage to the relentless thoughts in my mind trying to convince me of the doom and gloom these past few years. I have only been able to work my way through the madness by learning to observe my mind, developing compassion for myself and constantly using my stockpile of energy modalities to prevent these thoughts from leading me down the wrong path.

I’m not sure where I’d be if I hadn’t had them.

It makes me think there are options we need to make available for people, particularly youth, who can’t shake the darkness of their minds, rather than labeling them as depressed, or troubled, and filling them up with psychotic drugs.

As the pace of life increases and people feel more and more disconnected, one might assume that suicide rates will climb even higher, unless we dare to start doing something different to help rebuild the delicate connective tissue of our disintegrating societal fabric. 

I feel so blessed to have crossed paths with this young man and continue to be incredibly grateful for the genuine encounters I have as a result of sharing my story. 

It takes a certain amount of courage to discuss anything to do with suicide. I hope for the sake of those touched by it, or considering it as an option, we can all embrace an open-hearted fearlessness and open the door to conversation so they find their way through.

Sending love.


Who is Dianna Bonny?

Hi, my name is Dianna Bonny. It’s my mission to candidly share my journey with you. For me, it’s all about the healing: to create a radiant healing energy for others who have befallen a similar fate. Together, we can forge beautiful lives of belonging and connection. Thanks for joining me today! I look forward to hearing from you.

  2 comments for “Suicide Awareness: Thinking and Speaking of Suicide

  1. April 24, 2014 at 4:54 am

    i read this and closed my eyes in gratitude that you’re out here! the world definitely needs you! thank you for what you’re doing. coming from a family that lost a loved one and where no one one speaks about it – you are like a soothing balm. tucking you in my pocket and spreading the word about you!

    • Dianna Bonny
      April 24, 2014 at 8:18 am

      Just love the idea of being a soothing balm. You encapsulate what my intentions are here perfectly. Thank you for sharing. The silence can be stifling can’t it? I hope to open the door to conversation so we can all let our pain escape into the open and be healed. Sending love. xo

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